
The following are the research papers published through the research at M2DC:
A. Oleksiak, M. Kierzynka, W. Piatek, M. vor dem Berge, W. Christmann, S. Krupop, M. Porrmann, J. Hagemeyer, R. Griessl, M. Peykanu, L. Tigges (2019). M2DC—A Novel Heterogeneous Hyperscale Microserver Platform (book chapter). Hardware Accelerators in Data Centers. Springer, Cham: 109-128.{}
A. Barenghi, N. Mainardi, G. Pelosi (2019). Comparison-Based Attacks Against Noise-Free Fully Homomorphic Encryption Schemes. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communications Security 2018 Oct 29. Springer, Cham: 177-191. {}
Kods Trabelsi, Loïc Cudennec and Rihab Bennour (2019). Application Topology Definition and Tasks Mapping for Efficient Use of Heterogeneous Resources. Proceedings of the Euro-Par 2019: Parallel Processing Workshops (Heteropar 2019), Göttingen, Germany. To appear. {}
Juš Lozej, Dejan Štepec, Vitomir Štruc, Peter Peer (2019). Influence of segmentation on deep iris recognition performance. Proceedings of the 7th IAPR/IEEE International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics - IWBF2019. DOI: 10.1109/IWBF.2019.8739225 {}
Loïc Cudennec (2018). Merging the Publish-Subscribe Pattern with the Shared Memory Paradigm. Proceedings of the Euro-Par 2018 - Parallel Processing Workshops (Heteropar 2018), Turin, Italy, August 2018. {}
D. Schlitt, C. Pieper, W. Nebel (2018). Proactive Workload Management for Bare Metal Deployment on Microservers. Proceedings of the SMARTGREENS 2018: 246-253. {}
A. Barenghi, G. Pelosi (2018). Side-channel security of superscalar CPUs: evaluating the impact of micro-architectural features. Proceedings of the 2018 55th ACM/ESDA/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC) 2018 Jun 24. IEEE: 1-6. {}
A. Barenghi, M. Madaschi, N. Mainardi, G. Pelosi. OpenCL HLS Based Design of FPGA Accelerators for Cryptographic Primitives. Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS) 2018 Jul 16. IEEE: 634-641. {}
Davide Zoni, Alessandro Barenghi, William Fornaciari, and Gerardo Pelosi (2018). A Comprehensive Side Channel Information Leakage Analysis of an In-order RISC CPU Microarchitecture. ACM Proceedings on the Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES). ACM.23.5: 57. {}
Ariel Oleksiak, Tomasz Ciesielczyk (2018). Minimising energy costs of data centers by the use of high dense heterogeneous systems and intelligent resource management. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy '18). {}
N. Mainardi, M. Zanella, F. Reghenzani, N. Raspa, C. Brandolese (2018). An unsupervised approach for automotive driver identification. Proceedings of the Workshop on INTelligent Embedded Systems Architectures and Applications 2018 Oct 4. ACM : 51-52.{}
Ariel Oleksiak, Michal Kierzynka, Wojciech Piatek, Giovanni Agosta, Alessandro Barenghi, Carlo Brandolese, William Fornaciari, Gerardo Pelosi, Mariano Cecowski, Robert Plestenjak, Justin Cinkelj, Mario Porrmann, Jens Hagemeyer, René Griessl, Jan Lachmair, Meysam Peykanu, Lennart Tigges, Micha vor dem Berge, Wolfgang Christmann, Stefan Krupop, Alexandre Carbon, Loic Cudennec, Thierry Goubier, Jean- Marc Philippe, Sven Rosinger, Daniel Schlitt, Christian Pieper, Chris Adeniyi-Jones, Javier Setoain, Luca Ceva, UdoJanssen (2017). M2DC – Modular Microserver DataCentre with Heterogeneous Hardware. Microprocessors and Microsystems. Elsevier vol. 52 : pp. 117-130. {}
Wojciech Piątek, Ariel Oleksiak, Micha vor dem Berge, Jens Hagemeyer, Emmanuel Senechal (2017). Intelligent thermal management in M2DC system. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy '17 ), May 16-19, 2017. ACM: pp. 309-315. {}
Lan Lachmair, Thomas Mieth, René Griessl, Jens Hagemeyer, Mario Porrmann (2017). From CPU to FPGA – Acceleration of Self-Organizing Maps for Data Mining. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2017), May 14-19, 2017 IEEE: pp.4299-4308. {}
Loïc Cudennec (2017). Software-Distributed Shared Memory over Heterogeneous Micro-Server Architecture. Proceedings of the Euro-Par 2017 - Parallel Processing Workshops (Heteropar 2017), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, August 2017. {}
Giovanni Agosta, Alessandro Barenghi, Gerardo Pelosi, Michele Scandale (2017). Encasing block ciphers to foil key recovery attempts via side channel. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design. Nov 7-10, 2016. ACM. {}
Ariel Oleksiak, Michal Kierzynka, Micha vor dem Berge, Wolfgang Christman, Stefan Krupop, Mario Porrmann, Jens Hagemeyer, Rene Griessl, Meysam Peykanu, Lennart Tigges, Sven Rosinger, Daniel Schlitt, Christian Pieper, Udo Janssen, Giovanni Agosta, Carlo Brandolese, William Fornaciari, Gerardo Pelosi, Mariano Cecowski, Robert Plestenjak, Justin Činkelj, Loic Cudennec, Thierry Goubier, Jean-Marc Philippe, Chris Adeniyi-Jones, Luca Ceva (2017). Data Centres for IoT Applications: the M2DC Approach. Proceedings of the Embedded Computer Systems - Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation, July 15-21, 2016. IEEE {}
Ariel Oleksiak, Michal Kierzynka, M. vor dem Berge, Wolfgang Christman, Stefan Krupop, Mario Porrmann, Jens Hagemeyer, Rene Griessl, Meysam Peykanu, Lennart Tigges, Sven Rosinger, Daniel Schlitt, Christian Pieper, Udo Janssen, Giovanni Agosta, Carlo Brandolese, William Fornaciari, Gerardo Pelosi, Mariano Cecowski, Robert Plestenjak, Justin Činkelj, Loic Cudennec, Thierry Goubier, Jean-Marc Philippe, Chris Adeniyi-Jones (2016). The M2DC Project: Modular Microserver DataCentre. Proceedings of the 19th Euromicro Conference on Digital Systems Design. 31 August-2 September, 2016. IEEE. {}
Daniel Schlitt, Wolfgang Nebel (2016). Data Center Performance Model for Evaluating Load Dependent Energy Efficiency. Proceedings of the ICT for Sustainability 2016 30-31 August, 2016. Atlantis Press: pp 45--51. {}
Agosta, Giovanni, Alessandro Barenghi, and Gerardo Pelosi (2016). Automated instantiation of side-channel attacks countermeasures for software cipher implementations. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, May 16 - 19, 2016. ACM: pp. 455-460. {}
The following research is under revision:
Tomasz Ciesielczyk, Alberto Cabrera, Ariel Oleksiak, ·Wojtek Piątek, Grzegorz Waligóra, Francisco Almeida, Vicente Blanco (2019, under revision), An approach to reduce energy consumption and performance losses on heterogeneous servers using power capping, Journal of Scheduling.
Giovanni Agosta, Carlo Brandolese, William Fornaciari, Nicholas Mainardi, Gerardo Pelosi, Federico Reghenzani, Michele Zanella, Gaetan Des Courchamps, Vincent Ducrot, Kevin Juilly, Sebastien Monot, and Luca Ceva (2019, under revision). Accelerating Automotive Analytics: The M2DC Appliance Approach. SAMOS 2019 conference proceedings.
Dejan Štepec, Žiga Emeršič, Peter Peer and Vitomir Štruc (2019, under revision). Constellation-Based Deep Ear Recognition (book chapter). Proceedings of the Deep Biometrics 2019.
Kods Trabelsi, Loïc Cudennec and Rihab Bennour (2019, under revision). Application Topology Definition and Tasks Mapping for Efficient Use of Heterogeneous Resources. Proceedings of the Euro-Par 2019 - Parallel Processing Workshops (Heteropar 2019)
Giovanni Agosta, Alessandro Barenghi, Tomasz Ciesielczyk, Rahul Dutta, William Fornaciari, Thierry Goubier, Jens Hagemeyer, Lars Kosmann, Nicholas Mainardi, Ariel Oleksiak, Gerardo Pelosi, Wojciech Piatek, Christian Pieper, Mario Porrmann, Daniel Schlitt, and Michele Zanella (2019, waiting for publication). The M2DC Approach Towards Resource-efficient Computing (book chapter). Opportunities and Challenges for European Projects.