6th International Workshop on Energy Efficient Data Centres, May 16, 2017 – Hong Kong

May 8, 2017, 2:19 p.m.


The 6th International Workshop on Energy Efficient Data Centres (E2DC 2017) is an established agile platform which brings together researchers in government, academia and industry to identify and emphasize cutting-edge research from the field of energy efficiency of data centres and to discuss how to transfer innovations from research to DC industry.

The objective of the workshop is to investigate various aspects relevant to efficiency of data centres including the use of new efficient software and hardware technologies, proposing novel DC architectures, studying interfaces to the whole DC ecosystem, and defining incentives to improve uptake of energy efficient solution in data centres.

This year the workshop features two keynotes concerning reasoning about hardware refresh rates in data centres and data center demand response with algorithmic techniques. The keynotes will be complemented by presentations grouped into two main topics: optimizing energy efficiency of cloud data centres and thermal and power management in data centres.

M2DC representatives, Ariel Oleksiak and Wojciech Piątek (PSNC) will discuss expectations and opportunities related to energy efficient servers and appliances with researchers in the field of data centres, and will present M2DC thermal management approach.

The E2DC Workshop is co-organized by the M2DC consortium and PSNC, the M2DC project coordinator. It is co-located with ACM e-Energy 2017, the International Conference on Future Energy systems, May 17-19 http://conferences.sigcomm.org/eenergy/2017/index.php

The manuscripts will be published in the ACM proceedings.