M2DC Cloud appliance

A Cloud solution with focus on efficient Platform as a Service using the M2DC microserver platform equipped with heterogeneous hardware

M2DC CLOUD at a Glance

M2DC CLOUD Appliance

M2DC enables competitive advantage with respect to performance, scalability, efficiency and cost-savings, providing PaaS cloud solutions.


gains in energy efficiency


savings in TCO after five years of use

Low latency and high-bandwidth interconnect

Low latency and high-bandwidth interconnect

Have a look at the demonstrator!

Unique microserver platform

The Cloud Appliance is based on the M2DC microserver platform and is optimised to deliver high efficiency and low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for Platform as a Service applications. Using microserver approach over preinstalled software stack and integration with Intelligent Power Management, this appliance can deliver even 59% savings in TCO and up to 99% gains in efficiency.

M2DC Microserver Components

Available built-in efficiency enhancements

Appliance configuration

You can choose from a wide range of modules, which together form a heterogeneous cluster. These may be microservers with high-performance x86 or ARM64 as well as low-power ARM processors with the latter also providing GPU computing capabilities. PCIe extension cards are also supported for even further flexibility.

Configuration flexibility

Configuration flexibility allowing for various configurations

High density architecture

High density architecture enabling integration of up to 144 low power microservers, 27 high performance microservers, 8 PCIe accelerators

Preinstalled software

Preinstalled software based on well established technology, enhancing the efficiency of the hardware

Intelligent Power Management

Intelligent Power Management optimizing the energy gains in production

Fitting the availability of your resources

Basic Chassis

Greatly efficient and with lower cost.

Basic chassis

3 Carriers

9 High-Performance Microservers

48 Low-Power Microservers

Mid-Range Chassis

Ready for the most demanding challenges.

Mid-Range Chassis

9 Carriers

27 High-Performance Microservers

144 Low-Power Microservers

Scaleout Chassis

The most powerful option.

Developing for you!

15 Carriers

45 High-Performance Microservers

240 Low-Power Microservers